Helping Homeowners Generate Power And Connect To Their Homes

admin  -   11:00 am  -   May 29th, 2020

Smart homes used to be a thing of the future, but now it seems like we’ve reached that point in time where the future has become the present and creating a smart home isn’t as difficult as it may have seeed all those years ago. From generators and beyond, we can help boost the intelligence of your home!

Electricity is a year-’round necessity, and while there’s never a good time to be without it there are times when it’s essential that you have it, such as on a hot summer night during a thunderstorm - when power outages are more common and more inconvenient than ever!

Protect your family’s comfort in summer with a new whole-home emergency standby generator!

Emergency standby generators turn on almost instantly as soon as they detect a loss of main power, which is perfect for all modern-day homes that rely on electricity to…

  • Power their air conditioning systems

  • Power their refrigerators and freezers

  • Power the lights, coffee maker and other small appliances

  • Power televisions, computers and other electronics

  • Power their security systems and outdoor lighting

With a Honeywell standby generator installed in your home, you won’t have to deal with power outages because you’ll have a source of electricity you can depend on - and you’ll be bringing your home one step closer to being a Connected Home!

How else can we help make your home a smart home? Ask us about…

  • Remotely accessible window and door locks

  • Doorbell monitoring

  • Indoor and outdoor video monitoring

  • Water damage protection

  • And more!

Ready to brighten up your home? Contact us online today to schedule your generator installation, or to set up a FREE virtual quote.