Here are Two Local Organizations We Proudly Support

One of the best things about being a successful local business is the opportunities we have to support local charities and organizations that are making a difference in people's lives.In this edition of In Home News, we're highlighting two of the organizations that we support.

Charles River Center empowers and supports people with developmental disabilities by providing high-quality, individualized opportunities that foster independence and community inclusion. The center's programs include employment services, day habilitation, residential services and family support. The MacFarlane team was very honored recently when the Center awarded us its annual Community Service Award for services we provided during the brutally cold winter of 2013-14. The Center had a problem with an old heating system, and there was a delay of several days while a replacement part was shipped from Canada. In the interim, a MacFarlane service technician went there each night and early each morning to reset the heat so the building would not freeze. As a supporter of the Center, we donated those services.

The Foundation for Boston Centers of Youth & Families is Boston's largest human services agency, operating a network of school-based and standalone community centers that provide after-school programs, performing arts programs, violence prevention, adult education, summer camps and more. We recently served as a sponsor of the Foundation's HubNob fundraising event.